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Rod Goodman B.Sc., Ph.D.,
Caltech Research
My research at Caltech was generally in the area of intelligent
information processing systems. The goal was to design autonomous
adaptive systems that learn and exhibit intelligent decision-making
behavior, the emphasis being on systems. Only in a complete
system do all the pieces come together: hardware, software, algorithms,
and architecture. Each must work in perfect unison to obtain intelligent
systems level behavior. The systems that I worked on at Caltech are in the
areas of Robotics and Automation , Neuromorphic
VLSI Processing , Information Processing
Systems , and Cognitive Systems .
work in Robotics at Caltech focused on Autonomous
Collective Robotics . Here we take inspiration from biology
in the way that simple low level sub-system units (such as ants)
can lead to complex systems level behavior (such as the functioning
of a complete nest). We ask the question: how can we apply
these principles to engineering systems? In particular, how do we
design low-level behaviors for simple small robots that interact
with each other and the environment to produce complex systems level
behavior? The results of this work are not
only applicable to robotics. For example, we have applied these
principles to routing in communications networks, and to the control
of automotive traffic and satellites. At Caltech, with the help
of Alcherio Martinoli (EPFL),
Owen Holland (Sussex University),
and Alan Winfield (University of the West of England),
I built up a research group that focused on autonomous collective
robotics. In addition to setting up a robot laboratory with a large
number of robots, in 2000 we developed and taught the first ever course
on Swarm Intelligence.
My second “biologically inspired” area of interest at Caltech was
that of Neuromorphic VLSI Processing
sub-systems. These are systems that emulate the neural processing
that takes place in biological systems, such as those that give
us our senses of vision, sound and speech, touch, and chemical sensing.
The performance of these biological systems is truly impressive
and motivated our research into the application of these principles to engineering
systems for sensing and actuation. The Neuromorphic approach
was inspired by Carver Mead
and John Hopfield and led to the
formation of Caltech's
Computation and Neural Systems (CNS) degree program. Within CNS my group developed
the Caltech Electronic Nose, and the Caltech Silicon Active Skin –
a project that combined sensing, processing, and actuation on an
integrated CMOS/MEMS system chip. In addition, my Neuromorphic VLSI Processing
group researched and demonstrated VLSI systems for on-chip neural
network learning, high capacity neural associative memories which
can perform real-time vector quantization on images, as well as
chips for video contrast enhancement, color processing, and stereopsis.
third research area at Caltech was in the area of Information
Processing Systems . This work is more “algorithmically
based” and built on my past work in Neural Networks, Machine
Learning, and Information Theory and Coding. It focused on building
system applications such as: neurocontrollers, texture recognition,
image compression, face recognition, handwritten document analysis,
keyword spotting in historical cursive documents, data visualization,
information filtering, and smart searching on the Web. In particular,
my information processing research has resulted in an information
theoretic approach to modeling decision systems which extends from
the automated capture of knowledge in the form of rules, to the
implementation of Bayesian probabilistic inference systems on multi-layered
parallel neural-network architectures. Thus, the machine learns
automatically from experience, executes its knowledge in true real-time
and its decisions are understandable to humans because the knowledge
is in the form of human-readable “rules”. This approach
was also applied to modeling and controlling telephone traffic,
fault finding, stock market prediction, building neural networks
that can discover state machines and grammars, and networks that
can analyze music and then create new music. We also embedded
these techniques into software agents that could autonomously search
and transact business on the web. Neural network algorithms for
control and diagnostic applications were also investigated.
Neural networks are capable of learning complex non-linear dynamics,
which are difficult to model mathematically. In particular, we
developed hybrid neurocontrol techniques that combine linear and
non-linear control theory, reinforcement learning and case based
reasoning to produce more robust controllers than are achievable
with one technique alone.
fourth research area at Caltech was that of Cognitive
Systems. I am interested in discovering the “reason”
for consciousness in higher mammals, and why biology has evolved
this system for the control of complex organisms. The goal
is to then use these principles as the guiding architecture for
complex cognitive robots and other autonomous machines. In collaboration
Christof Koch, David Chalmers,
and Owen Holland , I co-organized the first
ever conference on Machine Consciousness which
was held at the Banbury Center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
in 2001.
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